About Ellen

We Are Experienced Professionals, Parents and Referral Agents

Ellen Wylie, founder and owner of Spectacular Summers, is a former camper, counselor, and practicing attorney. She is also the mother of three children, all of whom have spent many summers away. From personal experience, Ellen knows what it is like to send your child away to camp (wear sunglasses to the bus that first summer)! She also knows first-hand how it feels when your teen is traveling in a foreign country and has a medical emergency. 

Expert Advice with Personalized Service

After years of experience working as a summer camp and teen program advisor, Ellen Wylie started Spectacular Summers, a professional, personalized and exceptional summer camp and teen program advisory service. Based in Westchester County, NY, but representing families across the country and around the globe, Spectacular Summers simplifies what may look like a daunting task to parents. After learning details about each child and the family needs, we present parents with a few carefully-tailored summer program suggestions and help them make the best educated decision for their child. 

Spectacular Summers Consultants Are Warm, Patient and Caring

Speaking to a Spectacular Summers consultant is like talking to a friend about your child. We recognize that every child is unique and we give each one, along with the parents, the time and attention they deserve. Spectacular Summers consultants are warm, patient and truly care about matching your child to the best camp or teen program. You can count on Ellen who is highly respected by directors and parents alike. In fact, camp directors frequently refer families to Ellen and even come to her for help in placing their own children in summer programs.

An Exceptional Summer Camp and
Teen Program Advisory Service

Road Trips With Ellen

Spectacular Summers Stays Current with First-Hand Information

Ellen has extensively researched hundreds of summer programs by visiting and revisiting them herself for over two decades. During the rest of the year, she speaks to and meets with directors and gets feedback from families she previously placed. This enables Spectacular Summers to stay current with first-hand information, trends in the industry and have an uncanny sense for which children will thrive in a particular program.

Spectacular Summers happily shares this broad knowledge base and expertise with parents at no cost to them, making the best possible recommendations for each child.

summer program suggestions”